Monday, August 11, 2008


The New York Times did a story on Sen. McCain that seemed ripe for late night jokes...until I realized that the subject matter really wasn't funny.

According to the Tmes, Senator McCain was asked about whether he was going to take any vacation time during the Olympics. He responded that he might take a day or two off but "they" always filled those days up with briefings, meetings, etc and it wasn't really any time off.

“What makes the difference, ..., is getting enough rest. ‘If I can sleep in until about 7:30 or 8, then it really helps me,’ Senator McCain said. ‘I think when I get up real early, like 5:30 or 6, and don’t go to bed until 10, 10:30 or 11, it seems to help me [to] get up a little later in the morning. If I put in three or four 18-hour, 20-hour days in a row, then I’m not sharp,’ he said. ‘It’s just a fact.’”

I don't know about you, but 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM is a pretty normal day for me (maybe even a short one on average) AND I'M NOT A PRESIDENT. What happens when that proverbial "3 AM phone call" comes? Because 3:00 AM is obviously not a good time for John McCain. Do we want a cranky, "not sharp" president handling an unexpected situation without enough sleep? I mean we have all seen the number of "gaffes" he has made on the campaign trail already. Did lack of sleep figure into those mistakes?

I realize that consecutive 18-20 hour days are not the norm for most people, but sometimes the world doesn't take American convenience into thier crisis scheduling.

These comments really scared me! Anyone remember how much fun the last six months of Reagan in office was? The stories that kept creeping out about him sleeping through Cabinet meetings. Remember how after his Alzheimer's was announced, we all began to wonder how advanced was his condition during his last few months in office?

Got Sleep John McCain? GOD I HOPE SO....for all of our sakes!

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