Sunday, September 14, 2008


Many in the media have recently begun to question some of the claims of Sen. McCain. Some have dared to call him a flip-flopper or even liar. And the response from the conservative right has been predictable. It's not Sen. McCain's fault, it's the liberal media's bias that is really behind these accusations. It has nothing to do with lies and false statements on the part of Sen. McCain...and besides Obama's worse!

But apparently it's not only the liberal media that is starting to call him out. Recently, Sen. McCain spoke in Lee's Summitt, MO. This resulted in McCain being written up as a flip flopper and fibber by THE ARMY TIMES?

At the rally he attacked Obama for trying to "slow our development of Future Combat Systems" McCain excalaimed, "This is not a time to slow our development of Future Combat Systems."

Now Future Combat Systems (FCS) is an Army program that is exactly what it sounds like, research into new weapons. The program is constantly behind schedule and overbudget. Nobody denies that fact. But to hear Sen. McCain tell it, Obama has already cancelled the program and given our soldiers socker boppers to defend themselves with.

The truth is that Sen. Obama wants to “cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending....I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of Future Combat Systems.”

The Army Times then went to an Obama military advisor for followup questioning. “Obama had said that he wanted to review FCS and he thought that he might want to slow the fielding,” former Sec. of Air Force F. Whitten Peters (and Obama advisor) said. “His feeling is there really needs to be an overall strategic review of larger weapon programs to decide which ones are sufficiently important to keep going and which ones may need to be scaled back.”

So McCain lied about Obama's stand on the issue. But even worse is that as recently as July of this year, McCain was telling the Washington Post that he wanted to cut FCS entirely from the Pentagon budget. No review, no tweaking the program....JUST CUT IT!

The Army Times then quoted Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute (a conserative think tank) who compared the two Senators views on the military budget.
“Future Combat Systems is the centerpiece of Army modernization. However, McCain has been more critical of it than anyone else in the chamber. Obama has been much more detailed and thoughtful in his comments about future military investment than McCain’s very superficial statements.”

So we end with a news outlet associated with the military quoting a conservative think tank spokesman who says Obama is detailed & thoughtful while McCain is superficial. It must be media bias! That's what made the Army Times run a headline reading "Flip Flop or Fib"!

And to no one's surprise, the McCain campaign declined to comment to the Army Times regarding the article.

In this next election Americans must decide between a leader who looks to "detailed and thoughtful" analysis versus the "grill buddy" who's "superficial" views decide the direction of our country. But hey, that's probably just more liberal media bias.

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