A long time ago, like last year, John McCain spoke a great deal about the importance of running a civil campaign that focused on the issues important to the American people. Now sources within the McCain campaign have been saying for several days that McCain would go REALLY NEGATIVE because changing the discussion off the economy is his
only way of winning. McCain's own campaign believes that when the focus is on issues: OBAMA WINS!
It also seems that the sources were right. Shortly after this news was posted, Gov. Palin began quoting a New York Times article discussing Sen. Obama's association with 60's radical William Ayers. "Palling around with terrorists" is how the Governor characterizes the issue. The facts are clear.
1) William Ayers was a member of the WEATHERMEN UNDERGROUND in the 60's.
2) He was on the run for years because of the bombings done by the group.
3) He has never been convicted of a crime...his trial was thrown out for "prosecutorial misconduct".
4) He is currently a Professor of Education at the University of Illinois.
5) He has authored or edited over 15 books and is a nationally recognized authority on school reform.
6) He is consulted by the city of Chicago on school reform.
7) He did work with Sen. Obama on projects in Chicago.
8) He did host a fundraiser for Obama early in his career. They both live in the same neighborhood.
9) Sen. Obama has condemned his past activities publicly on several occasions.
The same news article that Palin quotes also definitely states that while Sen. Obama has "underplayed" their relationship there is NO "close connection" between the two. The reality is simple. The whole idea of politics is to meet as many people as possible and to convince them to support you. (It doesn't necessarily mean that you support them back!)
POLITICS MAKES STRANGE BED FELLOWS. And "guilt by association" is a dangerous tact to take in a political campaign because few politicians have spotless records and all fall victim to S.
B.S."Strange Bed-Fellows Syndrome (S.
B.S.) is all about the people the candidate meets along the way. It means Sen. McCain goes on G. Gordon Liddy's radio show proclaiming Liddy to be "an old friend". G. Gordon Liddy has contributed frequently to John McCain's campaigns including his current one. G. Gordon Liddy is a convicted burglar. He has also confessed to the following:
1) plotting to kill the journalist Jack Anderson
2) plotting to firebomb the Brookings Institute
3) developed a plan for the Nixon Administration to kidnap "leftist guerillas" (read that protestors) to keep them away from the 1972 Republican National Convention
4) acknowledged his willingness to kill anyone who tried to stop him from his second break-in of a psychiatrist's office
5) has on numerous occasions instructed his radio audience on
how to shoot federal A.T.F. agents Not exactly the kind of friend your Mom wanted you to hang out with when you grow up! The difference between Obama/Ayers & McCain/Liddy is that Obama will discuss the issue and the McCain campaign ignores all requests for comment on G. Gordon Liddy and his relationship with the Senator. Senator Obama condemns the past activities of Ayers while McCain pretends it didn't happen.
B.S.) could also require asking about Sen. McCain's connection with
his father-in-law whose money helped fund his first Senate campaign and
who has been linked to underworld figures out west.
B.S. could also re-look into Sen. McCain's associations with
Charles Keating and the KEATING 5! It was a long time ago and he was only reprimanded by the Senate but hey it's still out there. And as Sen. McCain once said, "if Americans want to talk about a subject...we should"
Governor Palin is also susceptible to S.
Her current minister is from Africa and got his start there with "witch hunts". And we're talking real witches. He drove a woman from his village who was casting spells on people to cause car wrecks! Became quite famous for that episode in Africa. Rev. Thomas Muthee has recently had a guest speaker in his church that made questionable statements on Jews from the pulpit with Palin present in the audience. Rev. Muthee has blessed Palin's bid for Governor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwkb9_zB2Pg (Notice the references to witches about 1:45 into the clip)
You could also ask why Gov. Palin was willing to address the annual convention of an
Alaskan Indepencence Party whose goal is succession for Alaska from the United States of America. (How does this work with "Country First"?) Maybe she addressed them because
her husband was once a member. And while it's never been PROVED that Palin was a member, several members of the group seemed to think she was!
Do ANY of these associations mean you SHOULDN'T vote for McCain/Palin? Probably not. The issues McCain/Palin represent as a ticket are much more important to me than the people they have met along the way to becoming a ticket. But it's only fair to look at them if you look at everyone that Obama has had contact with.
The truth of the matter: The McCain campaign wants to turn your focus from policy comparisons to a referendum on the character of Sen. Obama. And Sen. Obama is no "dirtier" than the McCain/Palin ticket.
If there was real "dirt" on Sen. Obama the Clinton Campaign would have found it and used it!!! McCain can't argue that he's more "presidential" than Obama because the world saw how he handled the bailout crisis. All that's left are personal attacks. Perhaps McCain/Palin should heed the words of Christ and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone!"
As Americans it is important that we ignore the "silly" in this election cycle and instead look to the future. When you hear the upcoming attacks & smears, when you read the chain e-mails proclaiming "Obama is a muslim, the anti-christ or even Donald Duck" the question to ask is:
Who's policies will best help our country? Who will leave a more stable and stronger country for our children and our grandchildren? But if you are listening to McCain/Palin question the associates of Sen. Obama, it's nothing more than "the pot calling the kettle black".