They say that "a picture's worth a thousand words". A thousand words. I've written that many and more over the past year trying to explain to people my support for Sen. Obama. And while there are a lot of reasons I support the Senator, one of the most difficult to explain is his unflappability and why it's important. Whether you like the man or not, many would agree that the man is a very cool and detached individual. That is one of the things that many people dislike about Sen. Obama.
But I prefer a President that is a bit detached. I don't need a "beer buddy", I'm hiring a President. I want someone as President who can sit at a negotiation table (across from both our friends and foes) and who doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve. I want him to be cool and collected. Giving nothing away.
I don't want a man who appears out of control or angry. Or wandering around lost. I don't think it will do America any good to have another President who sneers or rolls his eyes. Giving everything away with his "tells". In poker, a player like this is called a "fish". And a fish (and his money) are always welcome at any table. I don't want a "fish" for President.
A "detached" poker player doesn't let his emotions rule his play. He maximizes his wins when the cards are good and minimizes his losses when lady luck goes to lunch. When helpful, he bluffs. But the bottom line is that he wants to walk away with all the chips on the table! I want a President that gets "all the chips" for America! To do that, you need to be calm, collected and careful!
I've spent a lot of time and a lot of words trying to explain this to people over the past year. And then today, I saw this photo from last night's debate. It said it all.....without the thousand words!
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