Thursday, May 14, 2009


Next week the Republican National Committee will be holding a special meeting. By "special", I mean that it took 16 RNC members from 16 different states and a little used procedual rule to override the objection to this meeting by Committee Chairman Steele.

The reason for this auspicious meeting? To vote on three resolutions for the party.

Resolution 1: To urge Republican lawmakers to reject earmarks. (A noteworthy purpose...are you listening Sen. Bond?)

Resolution 2: To commend Republican legislators for opposing "bailouts and reckless spending bills". (Wording that denounced Republicans Spectre, Snowe & Collins was dropped after Arlen Spectre joined the Democratic Party.)

But the main reason for calling the meeting is Resolution 3: Which "renames" the Democratic Party as the DEMOCRAT SOCIALIST PARTY.

You have to marvel at the arrogance of any group of grown men (and a few women) coming together to vote on changing the name of a rival organization. (Most people older than Junior High do not have to have a group vote to resort to name calling.) This is somewhat like Exxon-Mobile voting to refer to Greenpeace as "THE TREEHUGGERS". Or Planned Parenthood voting to refer to NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE as "NATIONAL RIGHT OF BREEDERS TO LIFE".


The ever-shrinking GOP needs to realize that Americans want them to offer solutions to real problems. Formal voting for name-calling isn't going to advance their cause.

Be watching next week when Eric Cantor threatens to hold his breath until he turns blue if Obama doesn't resign from office immediately!

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