Sunday, August 3, 2008


This year’s biggest summer blockbuster may never be seen in the theatre. This year the prize for most hyped movie of the summer goes to campaign attack ads or….ATTACK OF MCCAIN: AD WARS 08! Featuring an all-star cast that includes Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Charlton Heston and of course this summer’s biggest celeb…THE CHOSEN ONE! OBAMA!!!!!

Following in the footsteps of Oliver Stone, Director (and campaign manager) Rick Davis has woven fact & fantasy into a carefully crafted tale of an ideological, young politician who spouts beautiful rhetoric while attempting to wrest the prize of the presidency from political legend John McCain. While on his quest, Young Obama is seduced by the DARK SIDE of politics. He begins a great struggle to keep the people under the control of the EVIL EMPIRE OF FOREIGN OIL. Thirty year political veteran John McCain is pulled from retirement to stop Obama’s evil mission and save the free world from itself. After an intense confrontation involving charges of racism and light sabres (think George Lucas meets BLAZING SADDLES) we realize that Obama has a messiah complex that brings back the ghost of Charlton Heston (a special treat for NRA viewers) to end the onslaught of evil that follows Young Obama where ever he goes.

Shot as a series of vignettes against the backdrop of Europe, the Mid East and an Ohio German Sausage Shop this is one movie you won’t be able to miss this summer….no matter how hard you try! (McCain is spending $140,000.00 per DAY to run the Britney/Paris ad alone.)

In the long run though, ATTACK OF MCCAIN seems a bit unfulfilling. Historically it is a little too inaccurate. In the first vignette we learn that Obama only visits troops if he can bring along cameras. And following the lead of Oliver Stone, facts are not allowed to interfere with the story line. Subsequent reports showed that Obama never intended to take press but that does nothing for advancing the McCain: America's Hero storyline.

The film also doesn’t follow the established time line well. Young Obama complains that “they’ll try to scare you by saying I don’t look like the president on the dollar bill” and McCain immediately calls it racism. A great scene but it seems to forget about the previous McCain short, SEAL A lovely June 08 straight-to-internet prequel that features a dollar bill with Obama’s head super-imposed over the president’s head. Ooops! I know it’s only a movie but you like it to follow it’s own history.


The biggest issue is that the audience finds out a great deal about how bad Obama is; but learns little if anything about what McCain stands FOR. It leaves you yearning for a return to the themes of his 2000 masterpiece, THE STRAIGHT TALK EXPRESS. But unfortunately, stars do age and it may be that today’s McCain is just not up to the same level of performance that he used to be. (Hey, even Sean Connery doesn’t do action films anymore.)

The reviews have been mixed. Veteran star, McCain says it’s “humorous” and claims he’s “proud” of his work this summer. Life-long character actor & perpetual movie sidekick Joe Lieberman says rising young star Obama is a “gifted and eloquent young man not ready to lead”.

But others have not been as kind.

Oh, well, I didn't see it -- I think it's kinda stupid," she says. "I'm just too old-hat for it. In fact, the other two, I didn't even know who they were.

Roberta McCain, mother of star John McCain

“There has been a very intentional effort to paint him as somebody outside the mainstream…he’s not one of us….I think the McCain campaign has been scrupulous about not directly saying it, but it's the subtext of this campaign. Everybody knows that. There are certain kinds of signals. As a native of the south, I can tell you, when you see this Charlton Heston ad, 'The One,' that's code for, 'he's uppity, he ought to stay in his place.' Everybody gets that who is from a southern background. We all understand that. When McCain comes out and starts talking about affirmative action, 'I'm against quotas,' we get what that's about."

Republican David Gergen, Advisor to both Republican & Democratic Presidents


"I think we should be in a post-racial environment…I think Sen. [Barack] Obama has done an admirable job of that. I don't think he has race-baited. I think he has been very good about that."

Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., a supporter of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz


I found this McCain campaign ad "The One" to be one of the most offensive ads we have seen in American politics to date.

At best, this ad implies that those who plan to support Senator Obama are looking for a new savior or a replacement Messiah. But many are reading it even more darkly as an attempt to portray Obama as an anti-Christ figure.

A vote for Senator Obama is a vote for the man we think will make the best President, not for a new Messiah. As Christians, we have one Lord And Savior. Jesus Christ. It is blasphemous to suggest otherwise.

And it is beyond offensive to suggest that Senator Obama is a false Messiah or the anti-Christ himself. How low can we go? It shows the McCain campaign is willing to make a mockery of our faith to feed people's fears. Christians need to reject this out of hand.

Mara Vanderslice, founder and director of the pro-Obama religious group Matthew 25 Network

And I think Kathy Hilton summed it up perfectly:

I've been asked again and again for my response to the now infamous McCain celebrity ad. I actually have three responses. It is a complete waste of the money John McCain's contributors have donated to his campaign. It is a complete waste of the country's time and attention at the very moment when millions of people are losing their homes and their jobs. And it is a completely frivolous way to choose the next President of the United States.

Kathy Hilton, Mother of Paris Hilton and financial contributor to McCain’s Campaign.

Who would have thought that Paris’s Mom would be so smart? Because the real tragedy to this “summer blockbuster” is that elections shouldn’t be “Hollywood” and Ms. Hilton is correct….frivolous is the last thing this country needs right now. John McCain is doing America a great disservice by focusing this election on the “plot lines” he wants instead of the real issues facing us all.

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