Monday, July 14, 2008


Remember how as a kid, about this time of year YOU GOT BORED!!! School had been out, you had already done everything there was to do and you needed something to focus on. (This was also about the time that you started fighting with your siblings.)

We still do it as adults. Look at the Democratic Party. Bickering & picking at each other like a couple of 12 year olds because there's nothing to do until the convention starts.

I have a solution. When we got like this as kids, we played practical jokes against someone we didn't like. Last week, McCain Co-Chair, Phil Gramm said that Americans really weren't hurting from a recession....they just wanted to whine. "We are a nation of whiners!"

So let's fullfill the expectations of the elite who haven't pumped thier own gas since it was below $2 a gallon. Put the following numbers in your speed-dial...(703) 418-2008 (John McCain's National Headquarters) and (202)-863-8500 (Republican National Committee Headquarters).

After it's in your speed dial, any time you fill up with gas or pay more than you expected at the grocery them up for a good old fashioned WHINE FEST! (Make sure you speak with a nasal tone & elongate your vowels). Tell them that it's really bad out here and we expect answers from our next President...not name calling!

Enjoy yourselves! After all, it's our right to have a little fun during the's not like we can afford to go anywhere.

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